A Refreshing Breakfast at Crysta Nagahori(Crysta地下街,長堀通りの地下街 ) nearby Shinsaibashi-suji– a French Bakery Victoire


S2E Travel Story

Early in the morning, I was going to start the 2nd day in Japan! 

Ok! Let's go to Crysta Nagahori first. Many people may not know what is Crysta Naganori. People usually saw it as a big blue ocean signboard as 地下街”(長堀通りの地下街 in Japanese) above couples of entrances into subway(mrt or tube) stations. 

Crysta Nagahori is said to be the longest underground shopping street in Osaka. It spans from Sakai-suji to Yotsububashi-suji, totaly distance of 730m. From this Osaka longest underground shopping street, you could access Yotsubashi,Shinsaibashi and Nagahori subway stations. It is made of four areas - west town, fashion town, variation town and gourmet town; According to Osaka Tourish Bureau, there are approximately 100 shops offer products and services like clothhing, restaurant and daily necessities.- From Osaka-info.jp

The Rule of Thimb for free-and-easy trips is you need a meeting spot. This meeting spot you can call it Recall point or Pivot point. Be it your solo trip or you travel with 2-3 friends, it comes handy when you or your friends lost in their ways.

Two criteria for Recall or Pivot point are 

1. Places or hot spots which are well-known by locals and foreigners.

2. The best is to be near to your hotel so you know the way back. 

You can find more trips and tricks about travelling at this website. 

I prefer calling recall or pivot point as "Rendezvous". It sounds kinky and more fun. You can check dictionary and it will be showed as 



  • a place appointed for assembling or meeting - Merriam-webster.com
  • a meeting at an agreed time and place. - dictionary.com

Rendezvous origins from French. 

later 16th century: from French rendez-vous!'present yourselves', imperative of se rendre

bakery Victoire in Shinsaibashi in Osakafreshly baked croissant in Victoire

Early in the morning, not even 8, I passed by a French bakery named Victoire in Crysta Nagahori. It seemed like not many shops were open at this early. Their signature croissants were frechly baked and being displayed on the shelves. It looked look with a dining area. So I took a peep at the morning menu board. 

breakfast set in Victoire in Shinsaibashi in Osaka

Time to order. Nom!

The toast looked good with a good price 360 yen. For croissant set, it was 500 yen.

I sat in and waited for my breakfast. Behind me, it was a long bench with lean on the wall painted with "I love Paris" and Eiffel Tower. And on my right hand side was bench with a mirror on the far end to create a spacious look. This restaurant was more for those working executives who passed by on their way catching subway to work.

breakfast set in Victoire in Shinsaibashi in Osaka

The breakfast was served. It was nice. I liked the mashed potatoes with beans. It gave me a refreshing taste. You must be puzzled. “refreshing” for mashed potatoes? Are you kidding? To be honest, I hated mashed potatoes because of KFC. Everytime, you take away the set meal for KFC; there are always coleslaw and mashed potatoes in set meal. Both HAVE BEEN equally bad and disgusting. Mashed potatoe was slimy, sticky, muddy, mucous like and coleslaw was tasteless dry cold. Yeah, I toss them.

beans salad in breakfast set in Victoire in Shinsaibashi in Osaka

But this one was good. It was nicely flavored. I tasted lemon in it. And the beans and corns were nice.

Ok! Done with breakfast. Time was still early. So I took a stroll around here.

One side was Varie Town and Gourmet Town; another side was West Town. In front of you, you could take the escalator up to Shinsaibashi-suji. This can be a perfect spot for Rendezvous~

locker rental beside Crysta Break Terrace in OsakaCrysta Break Terrace in Shinsaibashi in Osaka

There was a locker corner for rental. And there was something sweet about this longest underground shopping street… CRYSTA Break Terrace.

CRYSTA Break Terrace is a free resting area catered to people when they need a break. It is open from 10am – 10pm. In Japan, especially in hustling and highly-occupied commercial space shopping street, every inch of land is gold. CRYSTA Nagahori forked out a corner for people to take a break for free. How sweet was it?

I like this underground shopping street. Unlike others, it is broad, airy and nice to walk around. I had been to Taiwan underground shopping streets. They were full and packed with merchants.

change watch wristband in Shinsaibashidifferent colour of watch wristband in Shinsaibashioperating hours & price for Watch Clinic

Wow~ This one was good! A Watch Clinic. They do watch repairs, batteries and watch bands replacements. Interestingly, they listed all the branded watches like BVLGARI, Rolex, Panerai, Cartier, Omega, Frank Muller, etc. A wide variety of watch bands were neatly showcased. Time taken and price for each service was outlined on the panel. So if you are a serious watch fan and need some good workmanship, maybe you can try out here.

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Day 2 Japan Osaka Tenjinbashi-suji Shoutengai-Japan's Longest Shopping Street

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